Dmexco 2016 Review

Dmexco 2016 Review

There is a common myth that IT developers are unsociable homebodies who rarely leave their “comfortable workcell.” For your info, it is not true. We decided to break down such a stereotype this autumn! The tech conference Dmexco became a brilliant chance for that.

Dmexco 2016 Indeema

Our Indeema guys are always ready for challenges, be it good old coding or brand new experience such as attending conference. The first mention about visiting Dmexco was like a thunderclap out of clear sky. After all, DMexco houses more than 500 of the word-class speakers and above 30,000 attendees annually. Who wouldn’t like to become a part of something that great?

The first day in Cologne, where the conference took part, made quite an impression on us. Koelnmesse seemed to be huge and we unprepared to see so many people. At first, it all reminded a beehive to us. However, when we decided to stick to the conference program, everything turned to its place.

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In two days, we used the chance to learn from professionals to its most. Among the most honorable speakers were Paul Bulcke, Jack Dorsey, and Shane Smith. From them and many others we learned a lot about digitization and digital marketing.

The first thing we learned was how businesses treated implementation of technology in their environment. It appeared that all entrepreneurs can be divided into early and late technology adopters. Generally speaking, doing business today is all about fostering innovation as no one can avoid it.


Another useful piece of advice was not to underestimate your target audience, especially millennials. Millennials are the ones who are familiar with modern technologies more than anybody else. To us, it means that clients who belong to this generation may demand more. They can require more for their businesses as they know what technology is capable for.

Related: Mobile trends in 2016: peering into the future

These two days in Cologne made us also demand more. We wanted to gain more theory and more experience. Yes, we accepted the challenge and engaged in networking with other people. Thanks to it, we met experts from Spark5, Swisslog, Concardis, Bidmotion, and Liana technologies.

People from Swisslog were a real discovery to us. Who knew robots are so close to us. We realized that technology is so fast soon we may have robots everywhere. Thanks to Concardis, we understood that e-commerce and m-commerce may be accessible for everyone. We felt like experts from Bidmotion were our neighbors as they deal with mobile apps which are our specialization. Finally, professionals from Liana Technologies remembered us the value of email marketing. In one word, all these guys were great!

To add even more, we realized that Dmexco was the great opportunity to get familiar with selected startups and make more business contacts. We realized that this event is the great place for promotion of any type of services and any type of content. Here, you can meet huge number of companies that are willing to assist you with it.

To conclude, the scale of this digital marketing event is incredible. We are happy that we accepted this challenge. At Dmexco, we learned more about innovations and the best business models in the global digital businesses. We made ourselves known to the world and made new acquaintances. It was a great experience and we are going to repeat it next year.